viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014


One of all dreams that I have is to live in Japan. Why? Because I like this culture, see the tradicional and the modern things together, etc.
I had this dream since I first saw be an anime. I love it very much and I started to be interested in Japan and it's culture. It was thanks to Timeea, my friend.
After this, I can't stop thinking of Japan. I'm always dreaming of being an artist in Japan, living in Japan, knowing more about Japan...
And now I still dream of this. I know that's very difficult but at least I have a little hope to travel to Japan and know something of Japan.
I don't know how but I'll do it!

Japan is beautiful don't you think?

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014


My result of my intelligence was the picture. I think that this is more or less the correct but I don't know how describe my intelligence and my quality's. But I sure of the musical and visual is high for me. I like music and I will be a professional singer... and I have visual memory or I think so.

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014


I think that the shrew is very cute but when I say that I'm llitle or weigth I don't imagine that He will trie this animal but it's OK. The character is correct for me: Sensitive, creative and paranoid. But the jobs, the celebrities, hobbies.. isn't right. Yes, I want to be an actress but is the only that is right. And the all restant I don't know but I think that is very correct.. well, except the hobbies and jobs.


  • Sensitive
  • Creative
  • Paranoid

But you might also be...

Scientific Name

Sorex araneus

Collective Term

A lament of shrews

Careers & Hobbies

  • Journalist
  • Paramedic
  • Librarian
  • Salesperson
  • Actor
  • Traveling
  • Computing
  • Thrift store shopping


  • Leona Helmsley
  • Tammy Faye Baker
The diminutive shrew is the archetypal insectivore. Intelligent, thrifty and self absorbed, it knows how to get what it wants regardless of who stands in its way. Cursed with an overactive metabolism, the shrew is unable to stand still for even a minute. Whether it's picking up the kids, shopping at a garage sale or poking its nose into other people's business, it just keeps going and going. If its outta-my-way attitude provokes resentment from friends, that's just too bad. A shrew's gotta do what a shrew's gotta do.
Sharing does not come naturally to shrews, and they are typically the last to pay their portion at a group dinner. It's not that shrews are greedy, rather they're responding to a compulsive need to save for the future. In this respect they are much like their cousin the mouse, who takes planning for the future to extremes.
With the conviction that it knows what's best for everyone, shrews are always ready with free advice. They seem to delight in butting into other people's private affairs. Sometimes the shrew turns this hobby into a career as a gossip columnist, movie critic, or TV evangelist. But more often than not, it retains its amateur status and practices on its long-suffering friends.
Because shrews are constantly on the move, careers that require concentration and sober thinking are unsuitable. They perform best in chaotic jobs and thrive on the unpredictability of disorder, making them natural production assistants, circus performers, wedding organizers or emergency room technicians.
Their predilection for collecting and organizing things would also make them good librarians or or bookkeepers, while the desire to keep moving makes them suitable for any job requiring travel and creativity.
Shrews' sharp eyes have a knack for spotting the hole in the fence, and with their ability to make instant decisions they impetuously seize the moment and scuttle on through. Their smart mouths and high energy are put good use in the workplace, and they excel as salespeople and journalists. But sometimes their reputation precedes them and they encounter built-in resistance to their pitch even before they've opened their mouths.


NELSON MANDELA (1918-2013)

Nelson Mandela was born in Umtata on the July 1918.
He form part of the ANC.
In 1948 a racist group arrived and in the 1958 Mandela was impriosioned in Robben Island.
Nelson was 27 years in the prison.
In 1990 Frederick Klerk freed Nelson and together they won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Later, in 1994 Nelson became the president of South Africa until 1999.
And finally 5 september 2013 He died.

He was very important for the justice and equality. All that He did was very difficult, but He did. He fought for the peace between the black people and white people. I admire him for all this. He was a great person and always will be.
Thanks Nelson Mandela for everything!

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014


Before I die I want...

-Be a heroe for one day.
-Go to skydrive.
-Overcome a fear of the spiders, and the strong attractions.
-After lose the fear of this, go to attraction.
-Be an actress and make a film.
-Be a music and sing in a concerts.
-Go to the manga lounge.
-Watch more animes in my life.
-Go to tomorrowland.
-Meet the autors of my favourites animes and mangas, etc.
-Meet Rubius.
-Travel to Japon.
-Live some time in Japon.
-Travel arround the world and meet others cultures.
-Meet someone special.
-Make a little tattoo.
-Be happy and make happy to another people.