lunes, 15 de junio de 2015


In general this is an image very symetric and funny. In the background we can see the city of New York, in the sides there are cars parked on the road. In the foreground there a dancers of ballet jumping on the zebra crossing.

sábado, 30 de mayo de 2015


The film and the original novel of Romeo and Juliet has very diferences.

Question 1. SETTING: Places Where does the classical play and the new version take place? Example: Verona vs Verona Beach . Where are they? Which century?

Verona isn't the place that show us the film. Verona isn't a modern city like New York and hasn't bigs skyscrapers.
Verona (Italy) in the XVI century, and the new version takes place in Verona Beach (USA) in the XX century (1996).


Question 2.. IMAGERY: metaphors & images :
WATER (swimming pool, beach, aquarium...) and FIRE (petrol station, fights...)
DAY and NIGHT, the MOON. What do they mean?

The water represents love (when romeo and juliet play in the pool of juliet house) and the fire is the hate (when capulet and montague are fighting in the gas station). 

Question 3.. LANGUAGE. Which characters speak in verse and which in prose? Who is the narrator?

In the book all the characters speak in verse. In the movie except secundary characters that aren't very important all speak in verse too because most of what they say are from of the original novel.

Question 4. THE FANCY DRESS PARTY.What's the role of the costumes?

When They are dressed for the dance, the costumes of Romeo and Juliet attract me. Juliet was dressed with an angel costume (innocent, kind, poor) and Romeo like a knight (strong, brave...). More or less the costumes represent the personality of the character.

Question 5. ELEMENTS. To make the new version, basic elements have been changed. Example: swords for gun

In the movie all is adapted for the actuallity and are more diferences respect to the original novel, but in essence are the same. So now I don't remember much diferences... the places, clothes, weapons, etc.

Question 6. Other differences of the classical version and the film version
The city of original novel and the city of the movie, this is very diferent. The city of the movie are more action: police, helicopter, guns, gas station, etc.

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015


In this picture we are some of my friends in the journey of Italy, in Siena. We are in Piazza del Campo. I like this picture because is a moment that i don't wanna forget. Is the final journey, with all 4ESO and is a special and unique memory.

The people that we can see are: 

Background: a man that is stranger for me, Paula Caball (with the hand in his mouth), Mar Oliva (with her sunglasses), Paula Valenzuela (blonde and with her sunglasses too) and me (Nerea Hernández, eating icecram).

Between the background and the foreground: Mireya Sánchez (we can't see her because Maria is in front of her), Natalia Palma (is with the mobile and the sunglasses in his head), Maria Jallow (is the girl of the normal glasses), Raquel Comas (she's like angry) and Carlota Nordfeldt (she's smiling and have a normal glasses).

Foreground: Judith Carpio (is the most person that are in the front), Deborah Heide (the girl of the peace simbol).

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2015

ITALY (my world)

We were in Italy two weeks ago. It was a school trip of the level 4rt ESO. We were in Italy for six days, we went in plane and we came back in boat. We went to:

- Bologna: The day that we arrived, we went to Bologna, here we visited Pisa and we take the typical photo.
- Firenze: It was the second day and we visited much of the monuments of Firenze. Il Duomo Florence was the best thing for me. After we have a free time and we can go to shopping, etc.
- Siena: It isn't a place very big, we visit his monuments, etc.
- Roma: We were the rest of the days. We visit Il Vaticano, Il Colisseu, restaurants, etc.

In the boat for the back to Castelló d'Empúries We went to the disco and we met a lot of people. It wasvery funny, but some people was very dizzy and they threw up.

It was a journey very exciting and special. 

domingo, 26 de abril de 2015


The thursday, 16th April, the 3th, 4th ESO and 1th Batxillerat students went to Barcelona. The students of 4th ESO made interviews to tourists for the subject of english. We were in groups and I went with Mar Oliva, Paula Caball and Paula Valenzuela.


MAR: Where are you from?
GIRLS: Belgium
MAR: Ok. Is it the first time that you are here in Spain?
GIRLS: Emm.. Yes
GIRLS: No. Well, for me, it's the second time
MAR: Ok. And how did you come here? By plane, ship...?
GIRLS: Plain, plain.
MAR: How long are you going to stay here?
GIRLS: We leave tomorrow. We stayed three days at here.
MAR: Are you travelling with family or friends?
GIRLS: Friends, yeah.
MAR: What have you visited up to now?
GIRLS: Emm.. The Parc Güell, the Stadium...
MAR: Yes, Camp Nou.
GIRLS: Yeah, yeah
PAULA V: What do you like the most in Barcelona?
GIRLS: Shopping
PAULA V: Is there anything you don't like?
GIRLS: Emmm... The people in the shops are not that friendly.
PAULA V: Do you know any words in catalan or spanish?
GIRLS: Yeah, hola and buenos días. Buenas noches.
PAULA V: And do you think Barcelona is expensive?
GIRLS: No, not much.
PAULA V: Ok, thank you!


PAULA C: Could we ask you some questions, please?
GIRL: Yes, tell me.
NEREA: Where are you from?
GIRL: I'm from Peru.
NEREA: Is it the first time that you are in Spain?
GIRL: No I've been... I grew up here, but I was born in Peru.
NEREA: How did you come here? By plane, ship or train?
GIRL: Oh, plane.
NEREA: Why are you in Barcelona?
GIRL: For my parents.
NEREA: How long are you going to stay here?
GIRL: I lived here for all my life so I'm not... I don't want to come back to Peru so I will be here for a long time.
PAULA C: Are you travelling with family or friends?
GIRL: For family, for family
PAULA C: What have you visited up to now?
GIRL: Sorry?
PAULA C: What have you visited up to now?
GIRL: No, I'm no... I'm not...
PAULA C: Yeah it's ok. So... What do you like the most in Barcelona?
GIRL: The most... I think it's the party but... haha but motions.
PAULA C: Is there anything you don't like?
GIRL: The weather. All the time changes. I think is in all countries.
PAULA C: Yeah, well thank you!

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2015


PURE LOVE: Pure love doesn't seek the perfection. Is only a mutual love, imperfect and beautiful love. Natural and true that makes you feel alive and good. In this feel there isn't evil intentions or wickedness, there's only the desire of be loved and make happy the other person and be together, supporting on each other. Is a very beautiful and romantic love.

PLATONIC: Is a perfect love but that it doesn't exists. Can be with a famous, an imaginary love, a invented person, etc. Is perfect and the best but is only in your head.

ROMANTIC: Romantic love is when you feel an emotional high, exhilaration, passion, and elation when you and your lover are together. You feel so in love.

UNREQUITED / UNRETURNED: Unrequited love is the feeling of you're in love with someone and this someone doesn't share the same feelings. Is a painful love and difficult...

BITTER LOVE: Bitter love is resentful and cynical. Is a painful love for two persons.


I know that is late and the Christmas is finished but I want to explain something of my holidays of this festivity.
I was quiet in my house or I was working for the homework and the work with my friends.
The best moment for me has been when I been with my family and we played cards. These was very relaxing and funny moments.
The other moment that I loved of the Christmas was the new's year eve
. I dined with my family and friends of them in a restaurant and then I went with my friends to a party in Sant Pere Pescador. We danced so much, I really enjoyed it. Then at 5 o' clock we went to home and we sleep. We already were in 2015!

martes, 10 de marzo de 2015


Life Is Beautiful (Italian: La vita è bella) is a 1997 Italian tragicomedy comedy-drama film directed by and starring Roberto Benigni.
La vita è bella is a movie about a love story in the nazi's time. The film show the horrors of internment in a Nazi concentration camp.


In 1939 Italy, Guido Orefice is a man who is leaving his old life and going to the city. Guido is comical and sharp. From the start he falls in love with Dora.
Later he sees her again in the city where she is a teacher. Finally Dora sees Guido's affection. Soon they are married and have a son, Giosué.

In the camp, Guido hides their true situation from his son. Guido sets up the concentration camp as a game for Giosué. Each of the tasks will earn them points and whoever gets to one thousand points first will win a tank. Guido uses this game to explain features of the concentration camp that would otherwise be scary for a young child.

An officer makes the decision to execute Guido. Guido is led off by the soldier to be executed. While the soldier is leading him to his death, Guido passes by Joshua one last time, still in character and playing the game. The next morning, Giosué emerges from the sweatbox as the camp is occupied by an American armored division. Giosué thinks he has won the game and get a tank. The prisoners travel to safety, accompanied by the Americans. While they are traveling, the soldiers allow Giosué to ride on the front of the tank with them. Giosué soon spots Dora in the procession leaving the camp. Giosué and Dora are reunited and are extremely happy to see each other.


Is a very hard story, of love. Given the circumstances, is very difficult keep the happiness and give love, but the family that the film show us, get it. I admire the strength that Guido has, the fight that maintaining the family united. Is a difficult love but no by the persons, but by the circumstances that there are. Guido and Dora have a true love and they fight for keep it alive.
This film is very beautiful and I recommend to everyone.

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015


"Love The Way You Lie Part II"

(Rihanna feat. Eminem)



On the first page of our story
The future seemed so bright
Then this thing turned out so evil
I don’t know why I’m still surprised
Even angels have their wicked schemes
And you take that to new extremes
But you’ll always be my hero
Even though you’ve lost your mind


Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that’s all right because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that’s all right because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
Oh, I love the way you lie


Now there’s gravel in our voices
Glass is shattered from the fight
In this tug of war you’ll always win
Even when I’m right
‘Cause you feed me fables from your hand
With violent words and empty threats
And it’s sick that all these battles
Are what keeps me satisfied



So maybe I’m a masochist
I try to run but I don’t wanna ever leave
'Til the walls are goin’ up
In smoke with all our memories


It's morning, you wake, a sun ray hits your face
Smeared makeup as we lay in the wake of destruction
Hush baby, speak softly, tell me you're awfully sorry
That you pushed me into the coffee table last night
So I can push you off me
Try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me
Run out the room and I’ll follow you like a lost puppy
Baby, without you I’m nothing, I’m so lost, hug me
Then tell me how ugly I am, but that you’ll always love me
Then after that, shove me, in the aftermath of the
Destructive path that we’re on, two psychopaths but we
Know that no matter how many knives we put in each other’s backs
That we’ll have each other’s backs, ’cause we’re that lucky
Together, we move mountains, let’s not make mountains out of molehills,
You hit me twice, yeah, but who’s countin’?
I may have hit you three times, I’m startin’ to lose count
But together, we’ll live forever, we found the youth fountain
Our love is crazy, we’re nuts, but I refuse counsellin’
This house is too huge, if you move out I’ll burn all two thousand
Square feet of it to the ground, ain’t shit you can do about it
'Cause with you I’m in my fuckin’ mind, without you I’m out it


I love the way you lie [3x]



En la primera pàgina de la nostra història
El futur sembla tan brillant
Després això es torna tan dolent
No sé per què segueixo sorpresa
Fins i tot els àngels tenen les seves conspiracions dolentes
I ho vas portar a nous extrems
Però tu sempre seràs el meu heroi
Fins i tot encara que perdis la raó


Només estar allà mirar-me cremar
Però tot està bé perquè m'agrada la manera en que fa mal
Només estar allà escoltar-me plorar
Però tot està bé perquè m'agrada la manera en que menteixes
Oh, m'agrada la manera en que menteixes


Ara hi ha petites pedres en les nostres veus
El vidre estava trencat per les baralles
En aquesta lluita tu sempre guanyaràs
Fins i tot quan tinc raó
Perquè em dones mentides de la teva mà
Amb violentes paraules i buides amenaces
I fa fàstic que totes aquestes baralles
Són les que em mantenen satisfeta



Poder sóc una masoquista
Intento córrer però mai vull marxar
Fins que els murs s'enlairin
En el fum amb totes les nostres memòries


És de dia, tu et despertes, un raig de llum arriba a la teva cara
Embruts el maquillatge mentre ens estirem en aquest despertar de destrucció
Calla amor (baby), parla fluix, digues-me horriblement me'n penedeixo
Que tu m'empenys dins de la cafeteria la última nit
Doncs jo puc apartar-te de mi
Intenta i toca'm doncs et puc cridar que no em toquis
Surt de l'habitació i et seguiré com un cadell perdut
Amor (baby), sense tu no sóc res, estic tan perdut, abraça'm
Després digues-me com de lleig sóc, però que tu sempre m'estimaràs
Llavors després d'això, empeny-me, com seqüela del
destructiu camí que estem, dos psicòpates però nosaltres
sabem que no importa quants ganivets posem en les nostres esquenes
Que tindrem les nostres esquenes, perquè som així d'afortunats
Junts, moguem muntanyes, no anem a fer muntanyes d'un gra de sorra
Tu m'has colpejat dues vegades, sí, però qui està contant?
Poder t'he colpejat tres vegades, estic començant a perdre el compte
Però junts, viurem per sempre, trobarem la font de la joventut
El nostre amor és boig, estem sonats, però em nego a la teràpia
Aquesta casa és tan gran, si tu te'n vas, jo cremaré tot dos mil vegades
Peus quadrats del terra, no hi ha cap merda que puguis fer al respecte
Perquè amb tu estic fotudament assenyat, sense tu estic fora de mi


M'agrada la manera en que menteixes [x3]

AND HERE'S THE FIRST PART (this is the most popular and the original videoclip)

This is the second part of the song "I love the way you lie". There are two parts: the first is more by Eminem and the second more by Rihanna. I wanted to do the first part but was very difficult for me and finally I done the second.

Well, We had to choose a love song and I didn't want to take the typical song where two persons love and maybe They have a little problems in his relationship, etc.

I wanted to do a song that it show that the love isn't always like We're accustomed to see... I wanted to show a history of a sexist love... the violence, insults, disrespectful and unfortunately real that many womens (and even mans) suffer...

In essence, this isn't a true love, though the victim thinks that yes, He love her and all of this fights one day thing of the past... no, this isn't like this.

This is a theme very delicate.

And of course, the song is very beautiful and I love so much... Eminem and Rihanna is a great combination.

jueves, 5 de febrero de 2015

Gough and Inaccessible Islands

Gough and Inaccessible Islands

The site, located in the south Atlantic.It was discovered by Tristão d'Ancunha in 1506 The spectacular cliffs of Gough and Inaccessible Islands makes the Gough Island a home for many species of animals, plants... but there isn't any mammal.
I choose this place precisely for this, for its animals. The animal that made me choose the Gough and Inaccessible Islands is the penguin of the picture. I thought that it was very funny and friendly.
This penguin is one of the most important species of sea birds.
Gough Island was inscribed in the UNESCO in 1995.
Is a very natural and wild place and I like it.

jueves, 22 de enero de 2015


William Shakespeare was a poet and a playwright. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, in central England, in 1564 and he died in 1616. He was the greatest writer in the English language and is known around the world. When William Shakespeare was 18 years old he married Anne Hathaway, and they had three children. Shakespeare went to London to work as an actor and a writer.

Here is a selection of Shakespeare’s plays.

The Merchant of Venice 
This play is about the idea that people usually get what they deserve in the end, good or bad. Antonio, a businessman, borrows money from Shylock. If he doesn’t pay back, Shylock will cut off a piece of his body. Antonio loses all his business and must pay this terrible price … but is saved by love.

This play is about revenge and also about how difficult it is to take action sometimes, even when it is important. Hamlet’s father is murdered by another man, who then marries Hamlet’s mother. Everybody wants to see Hamlet dead. Hamlet must take revenge.

As You Like It 
This play is a comedy about romantic love. There is a battle between two evil brothers and two good brothers. They fall in love, women disguise themselves as men, and there are many jokes, songs and games. 

Henry V
This is a history play about a famous English king, and a famous battle, Agincourt. We watch the preparations for the battle, the fighting and the results.

jueves, 8 de enero de 2015


Every year I have new year's resolutions. Some of them can't be done but this year I want to do my best and make them true. Especially with the things that are important for me. 
This year, my new year's resolutions are:

- Go to San Sebastian. And in San Sebastian, see a friend.
- I want to go to the "Saló del Manga" again this year. 
- I have to work this summer and I hope that the work will be well. 
- I want to watch more animes, and the new seasons that come out this year. 
- Play more games in the computer.
- But all of this can't be possible if I fail in the studies. That's why I want to pass the high school, and after that, go to the dramatic A levels, in Figueres.
- And if I have time and all will be well, I want to make a progress in the music. I would like to
show my music or my ideas to the people.